Behind the Web ~

Rida Jamil
3 min readFeb 16, 2021

Ever wondered how a webpage is created? How you can see these texts and images, floating around the website or sticking in one place no matter how much you scroll? Let’s consider me a free tour guide and I’ll take you to the backside of the website with the help of the Jadu Full Stack Fellowship Program.


To create a website, the most basic language we use is HTML. The full form of HTML is HyperText Markup Language. This is the simplest language that is used to create the basic skeleton of any website. It mainly consists of tags. The tags represent multiple parts on a page. Every tag always has an opening and closing tag represented by <> and </>, respectively. Let’s review some basic tags of HTML.

1. <html>…</html>:

The Html opening and closing tags represent that the document is written in the Html format. Thus, the browser recognizes it easily and can deploy it as it is requested.

2. <body>…</body>:

The body tag comes under the Html tag. Everything written within the body tag is visible on the page. Outside this tag, there are links usually that connect the page with files responsible for other functions within the page. We will discuss them in later blogs.

3. <p> A for Apple </p>:

The p in Html indicates to the browser that the text written within this tag should be executed as a simple paragraph.

4. <h1> Heading </h1>:

The heading tags are of 6 types in Html depending upon the size of heading fonts. They range from heading 1 <h1> to heading 6 <h6> with h1 being the largest heading and gradually decreasing font size to h6 being the smallest heading font as shown in the figure.

5. List:

a. Unordered List:

The unordered list in Html represents a list style that doesn’t have any numbering usually. They’re normally represented by a small circle with the text written in the form of a list. The design of the list can be changed using the style option. We can explore it more in our next tour guides.

b. Ordered List:

The ordered list is normally recognized as the numbered list. They can also be changed using the type of list the developer wants.

6. <a> Anchor </a>:

The <a> tag is an anchor tag that helps in putting links to other webpages.


So far, we’ve learned how the headings, lists, and paragraphs, and links are done using HTML. Also, we got to know that HTML is the markup language that serves only as of the skeleton of any page. More about HTML and other languages that are required to create a page will be shared with you in my next blogs. Don’t forget to try these tags yourself to check the result of these tags. Also, do check out Jadu Full-Stack Fellowship Program to get the best mentorship and learning at the same time!



Rida Jamil

Rida Jamil is a Web developer and learning to become a Full Stack Developer. Tech-writing is one of the many skills that make her stand out from her colleagues!